Easy Ways to Teach Digraphs…
September 3, 2021
Even before Covid-19, most working parents had already been juggling work and parenting responsibilities — and not always feeling successful. It’s simply not possible to be a full-time working professional while also working from home (with kids, a dog, a distracting partner, one laptop between you, and inconsistent Wi-Fi). For a time, it appeared that homeschooling in India had become the latest battleground for competitive parenting and homeschooling programs, with social media brimming with intricate craft projects and 8-hour homeschooling program regimens.
But now that the effect wears off and we’ve realised we could be in this for the long run, motivation is diminishing for many of us. So, we figured now would be a good time to offer some practical online homeschooling in India advice for parents who work from home who have kids signed up for group classes for preschoolers in India.
Whether your homeschooling program efforts are succeeding or you’ve given up entirely, here are some suggestions for helping children learn that you can fit in around your work from home schedule.
Don’t be alarmed, and don’t make any comparisons.
Don’t be misled into believing that every other youngster in the country spends hours upon hours every day doing Math. Or that every other parent has it down to a science when it comes to online homeschooling in India. Avoid using social media. If that’s not possible, remind yourself that individuals use social media to seek approval and a sense of competence. So, remember that when another parent publishes a photo of an awesome homeschool craft project they accomplished with their child (on top of running a company or working a full day), it’s most likely because it’s the one thing that went right for them that week.
Establish a homeschooling schedule.
Yes, I am aware that I am not the first to say so. However, if you have some consistency about when you will work when the kids will study, regular meal breaks, and scheduled downtime, your homeschooling program workday will run much more smoothly. A schedule can also assist you in chunking your workload so that you can keep up with the kids (and them with you). And just because a regimen works for a time doesn’t mean you have to adhere to it indefinitely. If your original regimen isn’t working or you’ve gotten off track, change it up or try something new.
Expectations that are realistic
Children never spend an entire day at school pursuing formal academic study. Children only spend around 2-3 hours a day engaged in academic learning at school after taking into account their break periods, lunchtime, assembly, PE/Sports, Art, traveling from lesson to lesson, and generally bringing books and equipment out and putting them away.
Make use of the materials provided by the school
Students should strive to follow the school’s guidelines and resources as closely as possible. Your major task is to assist them in creating a schedule for their day that will allow them to complete some schooling. You can assist them if they don’t understand the materials. Encourage them to seek light via individual study skills as much as feasible. We, at iSchooling, hope to become a trusted partner in the field of early education by collaborating with parents, educators, and counselors, and by providing a pleasant, interesting, and safe learning environment. Through our online homeschooling programs, we hope to build a foundation for lifetime learning by delivering high-quality inclusive education in the comfort of your own home.